Booker T. Washington

The Wizard of Tuskegee, 1901-1915

Hardcover, 548 pages

English language

Published 1983 by Oxford University Press.

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The first volume of Louis R. Harlan's biography of Booker T. Washington, The Making of a Black Lead, 1856—1901, was published to wide acclaim and won the 1973 Bancroft Prize. This volume completes one of the most significant biographies of this generation.

Booker T. Washington was the most powerful black American of his time or indeed of any time, and this volume captures him at his zenith. Harlan reveals a complex personality—a man who cozied up to the white power structure but who also worked tirelessly for black pride and black educational and economic advancement. Using federal patronage and the favor of white philanthropists, Washington created a personal political machine and employed ruthless methods of espionage to maintain it. His nod or frown could determine the careers of blacks not only in politics and education but in all businesses and professions that blacks were entering at the turn of …

2 editions