Huey Long

A Biography

Hardcover, 884 pages

English language

Published Oct. 30, 1969 by Alfred A. Knopf.

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He was one of the most extraordinary figures in American political history—a great natural politician who looked, and often seemed to behave, like a caricature of the red-neck Southern politico, and yet who had become at the time of his death a serious rival to Franklin D. Roosevelt for the presidency. In this, the first full-scale biography, Huey Long stands wholly revealed, analyzed, and understood.

The eminent historian T. Harry Williams has created a work masterly in its scope and detail. He delves behind the "log cabin, poor white" myth that Huey Long created about his family, and shows them for the substantial country-town people they were. The roots of Long's personality are traced from his childhood and early wanderings as a traveling salesman—discovering "what makes people tick" across the South, formulating his own political ambitions, picking up tricks of style and oratory from every speechifying politician he encountered. Williams …

3 editions