
German language

Published Aug. 8, 2012 by Heyne.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Alles nur ein Spiel ... Nur dem äußeren Anschein nach ist Andrew Wiggin, genannt Ender, ein ganz normaler Junge. Tatsächlich hat man ihn dazu auserwählt, zu einem militärischen Genie zu werden, das die Welt braucht, um einen übermächtigen Feind zu besiegen. Aber Enders Geschichte verläuft anders, als es die Militärs geplant haben. Völlig anders … Mit »Enders Spiel« hat Orson Scott Card einen einzigartigen dystopischen Roman geschrieben – mit einem Helden, den man nie mehr vergisst.

Source: www.randomhouse.de/ebook/Enders-Spiel/Orson-Scott-Card/Heyne-fliegt/e415410.rhd

68 editions

reviewed Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game, #1)

ender again

3 stars

i read ender's game a long time ago. i recently saw the movie adaptation. it was correct. i still remembered the book ending so no surprises there.

i had completely forgotten that there were a few passages about events on earth (the movie zapped those too) i also don't remember how i felt about the book the first time. that means i didn't hate it i think i appreciated more this time. maybe

reviewed Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game, #1)

Review of Ender's Game

4 stars

Compared to my previous two books, Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, felt quite fast and quick, but that doesn’t mean the story doesn’t develop just as well as the books I read last year, not at all!

The state of the world is not a good one, Humanity hasn’t really conquered the stars and flourished just yet, other than a few stations. Earth has been at war with the buggers, some insectoid alien race that had come in contact with the planet twice already. The first time it was just exploration, and Humanity managed to hold out. The second time, was colonization, and we almost lost. Thankfully, the genius strategist Mazer Rackham managed to stop them and became the hero of the story. We lived happily ever after.

But decades have passed since then, and a third invasion is on the horizon.

Now, kids are being monitored from birth, …